Friday, 5 August 2011

Reseller Bathroman

Bathroman is yet another reseller who lists her wholesale items in the handmade category, and charges non-wholesale prices. Surprisingly (to me) THIS reseller is an American! Most people who sell wholesale junk items are FROM the Counties in which the items are made.    

Here are a few examples! she has 200 sales, most of those sales were in the past 3 months.

The VERY overly listed cheap owl necklace
One is listed for $13 and the exact same one of hers is listed for $7. :/

Same one HERE on Alibaba

MORE Etsy sellers with same necklaces listed as handmade as well.

'Her' bronze rose ring

Exact ring here on Alibaba[Chinese] Wholesale

Same watch HERE on Alibaba

MORE Etsy sellers with the exact watch/necklace. Just a few of many more.

Exact necklace HERE on Alibaba

Same necklaces from other sellers on Etsy (in gold and silver) Just a few...TONS more of the same HERE.

Same earrings HERE on Alibaba

Same necklace HERE on Alibaba

Exact pair(s) HERE on Alibaba for dirt cheap..of course.

More sellers (from etsy and other online stores) with the exact same UNIQUE earrings. LOL!

Well that's it.. although there IS more. You get the idea! =) 

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