Thursday, 4 August 2011

Reseller that was featured in US WEEKLY WTF!

This seller [SerenaLeena] HAS sold over 1145  of these bracelets now in less than 3 months!, and get this! US weekly even featured them in thier magazine. lol But  10-15 different shops from Alibaba China Wholesale  is selling them for .1 cent! to $1 a piece or 100 for $29.99. Minimum order for most stores are 25 or up to 10000!!
(Links are in orange-and click on photos for full size)
WOW what nerve!

Here’s one of their bracelets for $12.
 Same one Alibaba for dirt cheap. The store’s name on Alibaba is named“chinafashionjewelry”
Her blue cord/evil eye bracelet for $12

Same bracelet in silver on Alibaba Wholesale for $1

Her red cord eye bracelet for $9
Same one on Alibaba for .1cent to $1.80 a piece
Here is her Hamsa Hand necklace for $18

Same one with a prettier more expensive chain on eBay for $7

Here’s her eye necklace for $17

One on ebay for $9 from a wholesale jewelry reseller. But on a gold chain
Same one on Alibaba too. Here and Here for .50 to $2 a piece of less if you buy wholesale. 

Her gold twist bracelet of hers in teal for $16
Exact one in red on Alibaba

Her is another bracelet in red, and a hand and eye FOR $11

Same bracelet on Alibaba wholesale for 1 cent to $1 and only 100 for $37 LOL!

Last one for now. There are so many I’ll be here all day posting them.
I can’t believe this person wasn’t noticed until NOW! 

Her double evil eye charm bracelet in black for $18

Exact same one on Alibaba but in red..same charms and clasps etc

Last one..
Another bracelet of hers in black with evil eye. For $14
EXACT same one on Alibaba. Look at the price! 

There is more just search!


  1. alibaba steals pictures from etsy and uses them as their own - this is happening again and again.
    what came first> who knows?

  2. I've just reported Etsy shop EVIA to whomever "handles" these things there. This seller is passing off items manufactured by Stuller Inc. as her own. Stuller is a nationwide fine jewelry supplier who offers finished and semi custom pieces. Here is an example:

    Stuller Item

    EVIA Item

  3. Those photos above are NOT alike though ;)Some are even different colors.

    But I do agree, Alibaba does steal images..but if they're stealing images, the MUST have the goods to back up what they're advertising too!


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