Monday, 8 August 2011


(update! Strangling (Jasmine) contacted this seller for stealing her images, and she had to remove them!) This reseller warns people not to steal or copy "her" images, but she doesn't legally own any of them herself! She is even using the artwork of a popular Artist on Etsy named 'Strangling' (Jasmine Becket-Griffith) And her "handmade" crochet items don't even look illegitimately handmade. And she has items from other sites that she's selling as her own, and from Alibaba.

Here's a few samples of her listings. Total copyright infringement going on.

The images she is using of Strangling [collage sheets:for people who maker bottle cap necklaces]. I just LOVE how she watermarks the images with her own crappy watermark. Oy!

Listing is HERE 
Listing is HERE

Hello Kitty images [here]

Disney (Little Mermaid)
more HERE

HERE'S her glass lampwork necklaces. NOT handmade by her either.

All of the necklaces are HERE on Alibaba

Same dress in another Etsy shop; and HERE

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