Sunday, 8 May 2011

Most tacky shop I've seen in while and with over 7000 sales?

Not only was she just recently busted for reselling some of her items from a wholesale site. Her store is full of cheap dollar store wooden crap painted over with cheap patina/paints. Let's not even mention how ridiculously overly priced everything is! How in the hell did they ever get over 7000 sales? My 10 year old son can do what they do as long as as we buy the cheap wooden crap for him to print er..burn shit on? It looks like the only half assed creative thing done is painting and distressing frames and such. 

Most of the stuff is made already and she slaps a  poorly wood burned heart with initials on it. So easy!

 People are suckers! what's sadder? Her major target(s) seems to be desperate brides to be, big time gullible already. Brides would do better to shop there themselves. None of her stuff should be allowed on etsy, let alone be allowed to over charge people for wooden-poop.

Here's just a couple (of many) items that are horribly "slapped" together.
This was actually featured in some wedding magazine! look how sloppy the printing/etching is! 
$30! actual value I would say $5.

Forget the rice! throw some $20 SAW DUST at the newly married couple!

 $3 worth of that moss, tied with $1 worth of ribbon and pay $73 once shipping is included. At least they did *something* to alter it. I just wish people who bought this stuff knew how badly they were getting hosed.
Look how nasty the "antiqued" look is applied!

I can sit here all day to critque this idiot's "work" but I need to sleep SOME TIME tonight! lol  One last repulsive cheap item! there one is her most expensive item in her shop. *puke*
I saw this exact "treasure box" at Dollarama (dollar store in Canada) for $8.50! 
Caca Box for $99!

Well that's it for now..hopefully with all the reports people from other 'Call Out' sites grab the attention of the admin. Because this crap is down right highway robbery!!


1 comment:

  1. I came across this store and thought the same thing! What a bunch of crap. I'm not exactly talented with a wood burner either, but then I wouldn't try to sell this childish looking stuff, especially as wedding decor. I can't believe anyone would buy such tacky stuff. OH, wait, yes I can.


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