Friday, 10 June 2011

I love this site too! (Craft Count)

Great site to show you who is who on etsy and where they rank! 

A website brought to from the Etsy by Numbers blog, which will be of interest to sellers on Etsy or people thinking about selling on Etsy BUT it's always super tool for us buyers!  It uses the number of units sold over the complete lifetime of the store, Craft Count lists the top selling Etsy stores. The site tracks the top 100 sellers with over 1000 sales in each category.
This information can be viewed in three ways:
  • Summary - as a summary of top selling Etsy stores overall, within handmade, supplies and vintage.
  • Country - top selling Etsy stores broken down by country.
  • Category - top selling Etsy stores broken down by Etsy category.
This information is publicly available from the Etsy website, however what Craft Count does is to pull the information together in an easy to access format using the Etsy API. Craft Count is not affiliated to Etsy. 

Interesting Insight 
 Information can be found on the Craft Count information page about how Etsy sellers can go about changing their information, for instance changing the category that they are listed in. Sellers can also ask for their stores to be excluded from the figures. 

What research tools do you use for business. Do you use tools such as Craft Count or do you have other methods for researching the market? 

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